Orange Peel

Orange Peel powder is a power-packed cosmetic herb thanks to its potent rejuvenating, regenerating, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-aging properties. This magical powder is loaded with Vitamin A and C which helps in collagen and elastin production keeping skin firm, elastic and youthful. It also contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, citric acid, indomethacin, flavonoids, limonene, linalool, and citronellol that help keep skin refreshed, soft, smooth, clear, and glowing as well as improve overall skin quality by working as a natural cleanser, exfoliator, moisturizer, and toner.

Orange Peel powder helps to improve skin and hair health by -

  • Clearing acne and reducing scarring
  • Reducing dark circles
  • Helping to clear blemishes and giving skin a natural even tone and radiance
  • Reducing tan and hyperpigmentation
  • Regulating sebum secretion, unclogging the pores, and removing blackheads, and whiteheads
  • Protecting from free radical damage from the sun’s radiation
  • Preventing premature ageing
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Promoting hair growth
  • Treating dandruff

We at Indo Arts International sustainably source this magical ingredient in fine sieved powder form which is obtained from the dried peels of the organically grown Orange fruits in India and processed in well-maintained certified labs.

How to use it?

Orange Peel powder can be used with other natural ingredients for getting fresh, radiant, blemish-free, and youthful skin in the form of face packs such as-

  • Moisturising - Along with yogurt or aloe vera
  • De-tanning - Along with a pinch of cosmetic turmeric and natural honey
  • Exfoliating - Along with sugar, walnut powder, and lemon juice or rose water
  • Brightening - Along with fuller's earth, sandalwood powder, and lemon juice or rose water
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