
Kalmegh is a seasonal herb native to India which is known as the "King of Bitters" because of its bitter taste. It is commonly known as green chiretta and its scientific name is Andrographis paniculate. Since ancient times, it has been used as one of the best Ayurvedic herbs used to aid the body’s immune system.

Today Kalmegh is used all over the World. It is used to prepare Chinese medicines and it was approved by Thailand’s health ministry to be used in the treatment of asymptomatic COVID patients.

At Indo Arts International, we provide the highest quality of Kalmegh powder prepared from the leaves of the Kalmegh plant that are sourced directly from organic farms. It is later processed and packaged with extreme caution and hygiene.

The potential beneficial properties of Kalmegh are as follows:


Kalmegh has immunity-building properties and antibiotic properties which increase resistance against various infections. Because of its dry and penetrating qualities, it is used to treat fever, common cold, body pain, and jaundice.

Respiratory tract

It promotes a healthy respiratory tract, sinuses and throat and boosts health and well-being.


It has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce chronic inflammation, oedema, and repair tissue damage. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in treating tonsillitis and kidney ailments.


It acts as a natural Liver Tonic that contains hepato-protective and hepato-stimulative properties. It promotes healthy flow of bile, removes toxins, and purifies the liver.


It helps in treating various digestive issues like gastritis, bloating, heartburn, etc. It improves digestion and reduces blood glucose levels. It also kills intestinal worms and supports the intestine.


Kalmegh has also shown blood cleansing & skin purifying properties. It is loaded with antioxidants which help in fighting harmful free radicals responsible for skin disorders.

Directions to use:

  • Consume Kalmegh powder either by diluting it with water or by adding sweeteners like honey.
  • Kalmegh powder along with water or coconut oil can be applied on the skin for healthy and clear skin.


Please do not consume Kalmegh in high amounts as it might cause allergic reactions. It is also not advisable to consume Kalmegh during pregnancy and lactation.

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