Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica) also known as Indian gooseberry has a very long history of use in Indian culinary arts, in cosmetic formulations and as a medicinal herb (having all five tastes - sweet, sour, bitter, astringent and pungent) in Ayurveda (5000 years old traditional medicine system originated in ancient India) for improving overall physical and mental health and a highly effective remedy for cough & cold. The magical Amla fruit is considered a powerhouse of nutrition and one of the best sources of vitamin C that boost immunity along with vitamin A & E. It also contains high amounts of iron, calcium, flavonoids, ellagic acid, gallic acid, apigenin, quercetin, luteolin, which has strong anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.
We at Indo Arts International sustainably source this valuable herb in fine sieved powder form which is obtained from the dried fruits of the Non-GMO, organically grown flowering Amla trees in India and processed in certified labs to bring you the best quality Amla powder which is free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.
Amla offer immense health benefits such as-
Amla can be used as an effective treatment to improve skin and hair health by -
Amla powder can be used either by mixing with water or with other natural ingredients in the form of-