Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, also known as burn plant or lily of the desert, is a succulent plant with thick, fleshy green leaves used in Ayurveda as a topical medication for treating skin conditions like acne, dry irritated skin, burns, and rashes. Nowadays considered as a super ingredient that is used in cosmetic industries to formulate a wide range of personal care products such as moisturizers, soaps, makeup products, sunscreens, conditioners, and shampoos; all thanks to its healing, hydrating and rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. It’s rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E along with amino acids, folic acid, and niacin which helps to nourish and accelerate the regeneration of tissues and improve skin and hair health.

We at Indo Arts International follow the best practices to bring you 100% pure, organic and natural aloe vera in two forms- gel and powder. The gel is directly extracted from the freshly cut leaves sourced from organically grown aloe vera plants in India and the concentrated powder form is made from dried leaves and processed in certified labs.

Aloe vera gel and powder can help to improve skin and hair health by –

  • Treating acne
  • Helping in soothing and cooling irritated sunburnt skin
  • Lightning stretch marks
  • Hydrating and moisturizing the skin and making it supple and soft
  • Helping to clear blemishes and giving skin a natural glow
  • Boosting elasticity of the skin and preventing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Promoting hair growth
  • Providing natural conditioning and shine to hair
  • Treating dandruff and itchy scalp

How to use it?

Aloe vera gel and powder can be used either directly or with other natural ingredients for getting better results -

For skin

  • Aloe vera gel mask (along with honey or rosewater or sandalwood powder)
  • Aloe vera powder mask (along with warm water or milk or yogurt)

For hair

  • Aloe vera gel hair pack (along with honey, curd, and lemon)
  • Aloe vera powder hair pack (along with henna, curd, and almond oil or coconut oil)


  • Strictly for external applications. Not to be ingested.
  • Please perform a patch test on the inner side of the arm and if found to be allergic, then avoid direct contact as that can cause redness, irritation, and swelling.
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